Restorative Justice Ministries
of the Brazos Valley
A Christian ministry to the inmates of the Brazos County Detention Center

How to Become a Volunteer

Steps to Becoming an RJM Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer at RJM is different than other organizations because RJM serves the incarcerated. As such, you will be volunteering with an organization who serves the incarcerated. Your application and approval does not necessarily insure volunteering on the inside. There are many needs, and more and more volunteers are serving RJM and helping meet the needs of the incarcerated from the outside.
All prospective volunteers must complete a mandatory background check. It is part of the volunteer application. Download application from the link and sign it. RJM must have your original signature on the application. Include a photo copy of your driver's license attached to the application.
Once the application is complete, submit it to RJM via mail or drop it off at the Visitation Office at 1835 Sandy Point Rd. RJM will give it to the Chaplain for his approval and then to the Brazos County Sheriff's Office, who will run a background check.
If the application and background check are approved by the Chaplain & BCSO, you will be scheduled for a Volunteer Orientation at the Detention Center. This orientation is conducted by the Chaplain and the Sheriff's Department. The orientation covers the spiritual needs of those in Brazos County while incarcerated and once they are released. For those who will serve on the inside jail rules, policies, dress and how to conduct yourself around the inmates is covered.
It is the Chaplains' job to assess and determine the spiritual needs of those detained in Brazos County and to train, schedule, and guide volunteers to meet those specific needs.
Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering Opportunities at RJM
Check out how you can help RJM minister to "the least of these."
Bible Study Leaders. We are currently accepting new volunteers
to lead Bible Studies to the men's and women's dorms.
Spiritual Growth Facilitators. Celebrate Recovery is based on
Jesus' words and helps facilitate the transformational process as
given to us in Jesus' first sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, in
Matthew 5. Spiritual knowledge and growth is a fundamental
element to living a moral lifestyle. A lifestyle lived not out of
religious requirements, but out of an internalized love for the
Father, His son (Jesus), and empowered by walking with the Holy
Life Skills Teachers. Once a person understands their role in this
life, and feels and sees value to their life, they then begin to com-
prehend the need to learn skills that will foster healthy living.
Social media, computer graphics, website support and news-
letter volunteers. RJM needs a volunteer to help get the word
out on our ministry, through social media.
Opportunties are available.